Samara University community service week

Samara University community service week

Samara University community service week

Samara University has decided to celebrate community service week with the motto “We will serve the community diligently” and has completed the preparations to celebrate in the coming week from February 27- March 04/2023.

Accordingly, the main activities to be carried out for 5 consecutive days

Monday, February 27, is designated as Health Day

» Blood donation, medical and care services for animals and others…

Tuesday, February 28, will be celebrated as the day of cleaning and caring for seedlings

» Cleaning our area and tending to saplings will be done and others…

Wednesday, March 01, has designated as the school day

» A visit to secondary schools and others…

Thursday, March 02 is celebrated as tourism day

» Visiting wonderful natural wonders of Afar and others…

Friday, March 03 will be celebrated as Sports Day.

          » A great street race will be held and others…

Saturday, March 04, a panel discussion will be held, and other activities will also be held.

The University requests that all University leaders, directors, team leaders, admin staffs, faculty and students of all colleges and schools to actively participate in the Community Service Week program.

The detailed activities, time, place and other important information of each day’s program will be explained later.

“We serve the community diligently”

Community Service Week Coordinating Committee

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