
All Research Construction Technology and Management Management Geography Nursing Electrical and Computer Engineering Statistics Civics Information Technology Anthropology Veterinary Computer Science

Ahmed Endris Awol

College: College of Medicine and Health Science Department: Nursing Qualification: Academic Rank: Skill Lab assistant   Contact Address  Email: Phone No:  P.O. Box: 

Asnakie Ayalew Yimer

Qualification: MA Degree Position: Office Secretary Field of study:      Contact Address  Email: Phone No: +251-922-615-438 P.O. Box: 132, Semera, Ethiopia

Mohammed Siraj Ahmed

Qualification: BSc Degree Academic Rank: Assistant Lecturer Specialization: Surgical Nursing Research Interest: Chronic disease, nursing care, public health List of publications:   Contact Address  Email: Phone No: +251-910-979-754 P.O. Box: 132, Semera, Ethiopia

Betel Zelalem Wubshet

Qualification: MSc Degree Academic Rank: Lecturer Specialization: Adult Health Research Interest: List of publications:   Contact Address  Email: Phone No: +251-912-113-172 P.O. Box: 132, Semera, Ethiopia

Medina Humed Abdella

Qualification: MPH Degree Academic Rank: Lecturer Specialization: General Public Health Research Interest: List of publications:                        Contact Address  Email: Phone No: +251-924-351-305 P.O. Box: 132, Semera, Ethiopia

Mohammed Ali Ahmed

Qualification: MPH Degree Academic Rank: Lecturer Specialization: General Public Health Research Interest: List of publications:   Contact Address  Email: Phone No: +251-920-103-348 P.O. Box: 132, Semera, Ethiopia

Ahmed Adem Mohammed

Qualification: MSc Degree Academic Rank: Lecturer Specialization: Mental Health Research Interest: Psychiatric nursing, mental health, community health List of publications:   Contact Address  Email: Phone No: +251-921-048-309 P.O. Box: 132, Semera, Ethiopia

Fikru Yigezu Jaleta

Qualification: MSc Degree Academic Rank: Lecturer Specialization: Emergency Medicine & Critical Care Research Interest: List of publications: Contact Address  Email: Phone No: +251-942-451-626 P.O. Box: 132, Semera, Ethiopia